~Helping to make the growing world of technology more accessable for campers 8-12 years of age~
This year Camp Mary Orton is proud to present our Technology Enrichment for Campers, or TEC camp. this specialized camp will allow campers to engage and interact with the ever-growing technological field and enjoy a sampling of the other great activities Camp Mary Orton has to offer.
Registration Begins January 17th, 2023 at 10:00 am.
Camp may include the following activities after the TEC component:
- Games
- Crafts
- Hiking
- Swimming
- Creeking
- Archery
- Ravine Crossing (weather dependent)
- Nature education
TEC Day Camp
Ages 8-12-
All activities listed above
Meals are NOT provided, campers must bring their own healthy lunches and snacks.
Monday – Friday
8:30 am – 3:30 pm
Come to Camp Mary Orton’s first Tech Camp experience, where the campers will have the opportunity to plug in and design their own video game with our special guest presenters Tech Corps. After they are done in the computer lab they will have a chance to enjoy many of the other activities we have to offer.
2024 Policies and Information
A non-refundable deposit of $75/session is required to reserve a space for your camper. Paid deposits are counted as payments toward the full registration fee. You can make payments towards your registration balance at any time up to two weeks prior to your session start date. Any remaining unpaid balance will be automatically charged to your credit card on file at that time.
If you register your camper within two weeks of the first day of the season, you will be required to pay the total registration amount.
Being outdoors in small groups, regular hand washing, sanitizing surfaces, and ongoing health monitoring by camp staff are our primary defenses against the spreading of communicable diseases at camp. We ask that families do their part by keeping campers home if they are showing signs of illness within a 24-hour period prior to coming to camp. Campers will be isolated, and parents notified to pick them up if they show signs of illness, such as:
- A temperature of at least 100.4 in combination with at least one other symptom of illness
- Diarrhea
- Severe coughing
- Difficulty breathing
- Evidence of untreated lice
- Sore throat or difficulty swallowing
- Vomiting more than one time or when accompanied by any other symptom of illness
As we have for the last three years, CMO and the Godman Guild will be following health protocols for COVID-19 based on the most recent guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The Ohio Department of Health, Franklin County Public Health as well as Godman Guild internal policies. The COVID-19 pandemic is an evolving challenge, and our policies may be updated based on the public health situation and new guidance from these organizations. Future communications with registered 2024 families about updated policies will be distributed via email through Active Camp.
We strongly suggest that campers be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and up to date on any available booster prior to coming to camp. Vaccination status has important implications for those who need to quarantine when exposed to a case of COVID-19. All camp staff have received, at minimum, their initial COVID vaccination series. It is important to note that under current ODH guidelines, campers who are not up to date on COVID-19 vaccines need to stay home after exposure, while those up to date on COVID-19 vaccines do not (if they test negative and wear a well-fitting mask when needed, typically if weather forces us to be indoors for a prolonged time).
Campers or staff who test positive for COVID-19 must stay home and quarantine according to health guidelines in place at the time, regardless of vaccination status or whether or not symptoms are present. In past years we were required to report confirmed COVID-19 cases for campers or staff to Franklin County Public Health, and we expect the same reporting requirement in 2024.
If we learn of a COVID-19 case for someone at camp, within 24 hours, we will notify potential close contacts (usually limited to other staff and campers in a single group) and discuss options for those close contacts, which typically involve reviewing vaccination status, presenting testing options, and implementing social distancing and masking protocols within the group. In general, vaccinated, asymptomatic close contacts who have tested negative and are able to wear a mask where required will be able to continue attending camp. If a camper is exposed to COVID outside of camp, we will follow a similar procedure, but absent a positive test for that camper, we will not notify other camp families.
Last year we had test kits on hand to administer with a parent’s permission or to give to parents to administer the test themselves, and we hope to have them available again this year. If not, you may be asked to take your camper to an outside testing location before returning to camp.
Camp Mary Orton uses the ePact Network to collect camp forms, including waivers, pickup authorizations, and medical and emergency contact information electronically. Not only does ePact replace paper forms, but it also allows us to communicate with you in the event of an illness, injury, or large-scale emergency.
ePACT is a secure emergency network that we will use to collect medical and emergency contact information electronically. Not only will ePACT replace paper forms, but it will also ensure we have a way to communicate with you in the event of an unexpected situation.
How it works:
- After registering your camper through Active, you’ll receive an email invite to share information with Camp Mary Orton.
- Click ‘Complete Request’ to create a free account or log-in if you already have an existing ePACT account.
- Enter the required information, like medical conditions, and share it with Camp Mary Orton so that program staff has access.
ePACT Support
Have questions or feedback? Please contact help@epactnetwork.com or call 1-855-773-7228 ext. 1 to speak with ePACT’s Customer Success Team.
Deposits are never refunded except when a program is canceled by Camp Mary Orton. Registration fees minus the deposit can be refunded when cancellation occurs at least 14 days prior to the start of your child’s camp session. Participants assume risk and responsibility for changes in personal schedules or health.
To cancel a registration, please contact the Camp Mary Orton office at 614.706.2550. You must speak with Camp Mary Orton administrative staff to cancel. A voicemail message will not be considered proper notification of cancellation for refund purposes. Please note that your $75 deposit is non-refundable if you cancel your registration.
Because of the additional cost of processing a change request, a $15 fee will be assessed for changing your camper’s week once you have registered.
We ask that you honor the scheduled program times, Adventure Academy 9:00 am-4:00 pm and T.E.C. Camp 8:30 am-3:30 pm, as closely as possible.
For any camper not picked up by 3:45 pm for T.E.C. Camp and 4:15 pm for Adventure Academy, a $15.00 fee will be charged for every 15 minutes (or portion thereof) that your camper remains at camp. This fee will be applied to your ActiveWorks account and automatically charged to the card on file.
We ask that you honor the scheduled program times, Adventure Academy 9:00 am-4:00 pm and T.E.C. Camp 8:30 am-3:30 pm, as closely as possible.
For any camper not picked up by 3:45 pm for T.E.C. Camp and 4:15 pm for Adventure Academy, a $15.00 fee will be charged for every 15 minutes (or portion thereof) that your camper remains at camp. This fee will be applied to your ActiveWorks account and automatically charged to the card on file.